Past year answers Public Policy
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hi, these are answers for past year questions mostly did by my classmates and I. Please re-check before you use it for your references. Thank you.
i. Values
ii. Party Affiliation
iii. Public Opinion
iv. Constituency Interests
Discuss four requirements for policy requirement to be adopted for implementation.
Discuss the roles of five (5) policy implementation actors by citing relevant examples.
1. Bureaucracy
2. Legislature
3. Courts
4. Civil Society Movements
5. Community Organization
2. Side effects
3. Data problems
4. Cost
Write short notes on the following concepts in public policy analysis:
Hi, these are answers for past year questions mostly did by my classmates and I. Please re-check before you use it for your references. Thank you.
Question 1
- Explain any (2)
two objectives of public policy
First of public policy of Environment
Policy, 2002: Department of environment, Ministry of National Resources &
- Focus on to
maintain a clean and healthy environment, other than that is to maintain
quality of the environment relative to the needs of the growing
population. It was more related to the what are their department are
specializes and what are the responsibilities of their department that they
need to achieved and provide to the citizen as it was more to solve the
problem that might the public faced.
Second is the other public policy are National Education Policy.
- Focus of
producing Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who
possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of
achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to
contribute to the harmony and betterment of the society and the nation at
large. It this policy, it was focus to develop the educational citizens
that are knowledgeable so they can be more competent in achieving high
2.Describe the (3) three effects of
public policy towards the society.
- Solve the
problem that was faced by society
There are some of the problem
that was faced by the society was solved by the public policy. For example, the
NKRA policy was one of the
policy that was to reduce the crime and it was successful
in reduce the crime in the society since it was implemented.
- Reduce the
burden of society
Public policy
can use as to reduce the burden of public that was faced by society. For
example like distributive policy. The government allocate the wealth/ benefit
to the public so it can reduce the burden of the public. For example like fuel
subsidy. Everyone can enjoy the benefit of fuel subsidy.
- To
maintaining peace and harmony
As in
the action that was taken by government with implement the policy, it can
maintain the peace and harmony in the society as they have the guidelines that
can be followed by the society. It can avoid chaos among the society as they
have guidelines that can guide to their action in the country. For example like Regulatory policy such as Drug policy,
Anti-Corruption Act 1997 and others policy.
A) Discuss three (3) roles of forecasting in public policy process
-Policy forecasting is a process to predict the future direction
and action towards a problem as the policy agenda.
Provide information future changes in policies and their
The policy forecasting is important as one of the process in the
policy cycle because the policy maker must consider the consequences of
the policy implementation in long term view. It is vital to recognize what are
the future direction of that policy and the objectives of the policy are
achievable or not.
Forecasting permits the greater control through understanding the
past policies performances.
It means the policy maker first should evaluate the past policies
performance to ensure that the new policy that are going to propose have good
consequences in a long term. It is also important to ensure that there will be
no the same policy problem happen when the new policy is implemented .When the
policy has the bad consequences in future, for sure it will affect the society
at large.
Forecasting helps to shape the future in active manner.
The active manner means that there is no same problem happen
as in the past policies and align with the current policies. It must rational
to be implemented The policy maker will think what are the strategies and
action to be taken as to ensure that there is no irrespective things happen as
the past policies. For example, the New Economic Policy showed some failure of
that policy, so that the government forecast first before the implementation of
New Development Policy as the continuous of NEP.T he objectives still
remain same but they use the different action and strategies.
B) Explain any two reasons for an issue to lose its agenda status
Appearance of the new issue and more pressing issue.
In this case, an issues will lose its agenda status because there
will be new issue that more important and pressing issues rather that the
previous issue. The government need to take action on the latest issue because
it needed more on the government attention. The government need to think how
the new issue can be settled to provide the citizen with a good satisfaction.
Gradual decline in the intensity of the public interest on it
It can be said that there are the decreasing number of public
awareness and interest regarding the issues. So that, there would be no use for
the government to take an action for that issue because the decline of the
intensity of public interest. Sooner the issues will automatically lose its
agenda status.
Four characteristics of policy option that the policy actor would
Policy formulation refers to → process of formulating (drafting) or developing
acceptable courses of action or option for selected policy agenda. It is a
stage where acceptance policy option and their purposes are identified.
i. Values
– whether it gives greater value or not
– public ready to accept the policy or not as acceptance of public
might be difference
ii. Party Affiliation
– Decision consider will affect the relationship with the side or
– Either both side agree or not and consider with the policy
iii. Public Opinion
– What is reaction of public towards the policy?
– Whether public gives positive feedback or negative feedback or
comments or suggestions
iv. Constituency Interests
– Area of that would affect more with the policy, either they are
okay with it or not
All the criteria of policy agenda is an important as actor need to
consider all before they can move to another process. \
Discuss four requirements for policy requirement to be adopted for implementation.
- The primary
purposes of requirements for policy before to be adopted for
implementation is to help policy maker to make effective decision and to
inform policy maker whether the policy recommendation is accepted as sound
advice or not
- The paper is
written in a very structured form. Usually it consists of the following
six components which are introduction , policy options (alternatives),
analysis of policy options, policy suggestion, conclusion and also
implementation suggestions.
- Content of
proposal – must be technically sound
- Information in
the content must be relevant, (macronegative versus macropositive),
reliable (observation must be precise), valid (information about policy
outcomes should measure what we think it is ,measuring)
- Cost to
implement policy option recommended – must be reasonable
- The cost itself
must based on Cost benefit Analysis.
- Cost Benefit
Analysis (CBA) is one of the techniques used to ensure efficiency in
public policy decision particularly in the appraisal of alternative to
solving public problem.
- CBA process:
- Step 1:
analyse costs
- Step 2:
analyse benefits
- Step 3: Assign
monetary values (RM) to the various cost & benefits
- Step 4:
Allocate discount rate to equate present value for future effects
- Step 5:
Compare overall cost and benfits
- Step 6: Decide
option that maximize benefits/minimize costs
- Deliberation is
a critical examination of an issue involving the weighing of reasons for
and against a course of action. Deliberation can involve a single
individual, but the deliberative processes under discussion here involve
group deliberation. Thus, we define a“deliberative process” as a process
allowing a group of actors to receive and exchange information, to
critically examine an issue, and to come to an agreement which will inform
decision making (Fearon, 1998).eliberation
- Recommendation
is politically acceptable
- Popular
support/public consent - Public will accept and comply if it is
- Conclusion
- With this
requirement , ( policy options) paper prepared for the consideration of
some group that has authority to make policy decisions, such as a
cabinet, council, committee or other body pertaining to public issue.
Discuss the roles of five (5) policy implementation actors by citing relevant examples.
1. Bureaucracy
It also refers to a system of government in which most of the
important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected
representatives. A role of bureaucracy is to implement of Governmental Policies
and Laws. For example the government had established Integrity Institute of
Malaysia. The institute functioning as to serve the coordinating mechanism for
the implementation National Integrity Plan. The effort of this institute can be
seen as they provide training, research, engagements with other public,
private, political, and sociocultural sector and establishment of the State
Institute of Integrity. Other than that, other public sector likes Royal
Malaysia Police, Road Transport Department, Local Authorities, and Royal
Customs Department are involved in the implementing of the policy to make it
more effective and work efficiently. Basically, all the public servants in
government institutions or agencies involved in the implementation of the
policy either directly or indirectly as because the public sector is the
principal machinery responsible for the delivery of public services to the
community and country.
2. Legislature
Legislators implement policy by ensuring specific law for putting
policies into effect are followed. It determines the agencies discretion by
specifying or approving the uses of funds for specific policy program.
Legislatives veto gives the legislature the authoritative power to exercise
control over what have been done by the administrative agencies in implanting
policies. Legislature is the members of Parliament that introduced the policy,
decided when the policy can be implemented. For example, Prime Minister, Tun
Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi introduced the National Integrity Plan. The brief
intro about the policy made everybody, including the people become aware about
it. When the debating is started, the Members of Parliament discussed what are
the advantages and disadvantages of that policy.
3. Courts
There are three courts with different jurisdiction within what is
known as the Superior Court. They are the Federal Court: the highest court in
the land, the Appeal Court, the High Court of Malaya and the High Court of
Sabah and Sarawak. Each is head by a federal judge called the Chief Justice of
the Federal Court, President of the Appeal Court and Chief Judge of the High
Courts of Malaya and Sabah and Sarawak respectively. The court had played an
important role in justified, whose is wrong while conducting their duties. This
is really hard for the government as, if not because of the courts or the
judiciary body the government will hard to identify is it the public servant
that involve with integrity is doing misconduct or not. Therefore, the judicial
body or court plays a huge role in this policy to clarify the person that
involve in this problem. For instance, in case of Chief Minister of Selangor,
Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo. He was involved with a huge crisis which is he is getting
the punishment by the law of 12 months jail from the court because of the abuse
his duty while in his conduct to buy a land and a bungalow in 2007. Based on
some cases it shows that the people that having a power will have an intention in
doing misconduct while doing their task.
4. Civil Society Movements
The Civil Society Movements are including the non-governmental
institutions, professional bodies, mass membership organizations and
associations. It plays an important role which is to fight corruption in
Malaysia. Most of them do not have specific programs of anti-corruption.
However, they are very determined to fight against corruption. This can be seen
as they is always campaigning for an accountable and more transparent about the
policy making process. Examples of the Civil Society Movements that are
actively participating in the efforts to combat corruption in the country are
Transparency International Malaysia (TI Malaysia), Suara Rakyat Malaysia
(SUARAM) and Malaysian Institute for Corporate Governance (MICG).
5. Community Organization
Community Organization involved variety of people in order to
implement policy such as family institution, students, youth, women, minorities
and of course the lower income groups in order to get their opinion about the
implementation of the policy. The role of Community Organization is
to help local community to engage each other and find the solution of the
issues. For example, in implementing National Integrity Plan. This policy needs
to be focused on the family institutions because all the public servant will
start their day at their home. Then, the attitude of people is creating at
their home. If the situations surrounding the family are not good, then it will
reflect the person’s behaviour at their job. Hence, to ensure this policy is
good so the first steps that need to focus are in the aspect family and the
society itself. If the family relation is not the strength it will lead to the
unethical when doing their job such as corruption or misconduct will
a) Explain THREE
(3) types of policy evaluation
This type of policy evaluation is used to evaluate the
intended and unintended, direct and indirect, positive and negative effects
from policy implementation towards society or state. Impacts are the
externalities from the successfully or unsuccessfully policy implementation
such as the positive or negative, direct and indirect.
For instance, assuming the implementators have
implemented a policy,The Look East Policy (LEP). Its objective, to elevate the
standard of industrial management as well as create a community of workers with
good values and positive work ethics that can help accelerate development in
Malaysia is achieved which will be the output of it. Then its intended result
on the target group is also achieved which will be the outcome. In the context
of implementation of LEP, the target group is the public servants and they
become more productive and discipline with the implementation of the policy.
Then, what happened to the society at large or to the nation or state will be
the impact, for example the LEP had manage to enhance the quality of services
delivered to the public.
Evaluating the means of by which a policy is delivered
to target group, or the way a program is implemented. Through the process of
implementation, this can assess client satisfaction and program activities. It
also helps much to identify management problems if any. This types of policy
evaluation also give suggestions or ideas so that the program that are carried
out will become more effective in the future.
This is the type of policy evaluation that assessing
impact on the original problems addressed by the program or policy. For
example, has the problems been reduced because of the program or policy. For
instance, the reducing crime National Key Results Area (NKRAs) is being
evaluated and the government will observe whether the statistic of crimes after
the policy is reduced or not. This will determine the success or failure of the
Policy evaluation may also seek to identify critical
factors of success or failure so remedial actions can be made.
Identify any FOUR (4) problems that might rise in evaluating policy.
Objectives of a plan or a policy is very crucial in
order to determine the purpose of it. Basically, policy objectives that are not
stated objectively or not measurable or not rank will be a frustrating task for
the policy evaluators. This is because when the objectives are not clear then the
criteria for the success of policy will be also unclear. However, although when
the statement of objectives are specific, clear and reasonable or well stated,
there are still a number of problems arise such as the relative importance of
goals and objectives.
2. Side effects
There is always a side effects from a policy that would
effects the success or failure of other policy. A program or policy under
evaluation may be impacted by other programs or policies. Thus it may be
difficult to identify the side-effects of only one program or policy. For
instance, the price of cigarette become more expensive due to the rising rate
of the excise duti on cigarattes starting from 4 November 2015. Therefore, many
people quit smoking due to the high price but not really because of the success
of policy.
3. Data problems
Accurate and reliable data is required to measure
success or failure or consequences of policy. The necessary information or data
to assess the impact may be unavailable or available in unsuitable form. For
instance, not all states in Malaysia kept the data in particular format. There
are also several states that do not even kept the particular data. This will
cause difficulties to the evaluators in order to evaluate the policy. It also
may cause the data collected become error. When the data are wrong, the result
will be wrong too.
4. Cost
In order to evaluate a policy, it requires a lot of
costs. This is because it consists of many procedures and methods. Besides
that, if the budget given to evaluate a policy is low, then this will give
problems to the evaluaters. For example, if an evaluator wants to evaluate the
Projek Perumahan Rakyat Miskin Tegar (PPRT)program, he has to go to all places
in Malaysia that are implementing it then the program finally can be declared
as a success or not. It may take as much
as 1% of the total program cost especially if sophisticated method are used,
for example by using the experiment to
evaluate a policy. It can be a diversion from the delivery of the policy or
Question 7
Write short notes on the following concepts in public policy analysis:
- · The politics of selecting issue for active consideration.
- · Process of choosing which issue to select and consider actions and plan of actions to resolve issue
- · The process by which problems and alternative solutions gain or lose public and elite attention.
- · Agenda is set once policy window open and there are 3 streams for policy window to open which is problem streams, policy-proposal streams and politic streams.
- · Problem stream is comprises of matters by which policy player demand action to resolve.
- · Policy-proposal streams is comprises of alternative to solve problem which is alternative are proposed by policy advocacies.
- · Politic streams is comprises of political action and decision towards public matters. For examples, campaign by interest group and election result.
- · The three routes will converge and policy will open. Once policy window is open, agenda is set.
- · A public problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable.
- · If people believe that an issue is normal than it is not considered as public problem.
- · For example, LGBT is considered as public problem among Malaysian society because it contradicted with religion and culture.
- · The way government responds to the earthquake also known as public problem.
- · Public problem is appropriate or worthy for government to take action.
- · Condition must be defined as problem and articulated by someone and brought to the attention of the government.
- · Discretionary is the action that has been taken by government towards the issue in institutional agenda.
- · Discretionary also known as having or using the ability to decide at one’s own discretion.
- · Discretionary function is “an action that involves room for policy judgment or the responsibility for deciding the adaptation of means to an end, and discretion in determining how or whether the act shall be done
- · Other than that, it is relate on how government want to react and respond to the issue.
- · In order to determine whether conduct falls within the discretionary function exception, the courts must apply a two-part test established
- · The discretionary function exception protects only broad policy-based actions or decisions by government employees.
Carrying out a policy decision by statute, executive order or court decision
Carrying out a policy decision by statute, executive order or court decision
Policy rules and regulations
are set at higher levels in a political process and are then communicated to
subordinate levels which are then charged with the technical, managerial,
and administrative tasks of putting policy into practice.
In a federal system - The top-level officials at the federal
level establish policy rules and regulation & working a way down to state
and local level
- Clear and consistent goals
- Knowledge of pertinent cause and effects
- Clear hierarchy of authority
- Rules established at the top and policy is aligned with
the rules
- Resources / capacity to carry out the commands from the
- Fails to consider the significance of actions taken
earlier in the policy-making process
- Ignore or
eliminate the political aspects of implementation. The legislation “often
requires ambiguous language and contradictory goals” in order to gain
enough votes for passage
- Top-down approach see the “statute framers as key actors,”
compared to lower level officials
the estimation, appraisal, or assessment of a policy, its content,
implementation, goal attainment, and other effects
To access policy achievement
To access policy achievement
§ To check the
policy effects in general or of the respective ministries or departments
To access policy consequences
To access policy consequences
§ Whether a policy
has other effects or not
§ Who gets benefits
and bear cost directly and indirectly
To suggest policy change
To suggest policy change
§ To suggest policy recommendation
§ To find out
whether the policy is necessary, valid, and efficient
To suggest policy termination
To suggest policy termination
§ To suggest to stop implementing policy
§ To find out
whether the policy is still relevent
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