My Awesome Ms Lappy Diana Leonardo

Bismillah. Oh, what an another boring day-.- My holidays seems very enjoyable at first but then it turns to be bored. I do not know how to spend my leisure time anymore and then suddenly a superb idea come out from my balanced brain *ha ha*. I want to ask my Mum's help for teaching me how to cook so that I would not be starving at the university and you know what, it ended with I feel ashamed to ask her. That is because before this she had asked me to learn the cooking skills from her, how to cook simple but delicious cuisine and I refused to help her at the kitchen. Yeah, that is a typical of me, and no one had succeed to help me change this couch potato habit. And I am pretty sure when I finally had a lover I will learn how to cook so that he would not have to eat take away food everyday! The power of love can change everything including someone's attitude and bad habit. Hey, hey what's bring me here with this lovesick topic? uwekk *throwing up*=3 My name is Ms...