Farewell, E.P.C

Assalamualaikum! It had been three months since 8th January 2012 when my aunt and I decided to enroll ourselves in E.P.C. E.P.C stands for English Plus Class, in order to improve our English (not E.P.S like as stated as above, and sorry about that!). My gred for 1119 is A- in SPM and although I also got B4 for GCE-O Level, which is a GOOD gred but not EXCELLENT but I know that there's always a place for self-improvement. My parents encouraged me to master this foreign language and I am willing to do this. Every morning, either rainy or sunny day, we rode a motorcycle to go to the class and I had a great time while I was riding the motorcycle because I never went to far places than my lovely home by a motorbike, never. At first, I was worry that my parents might have an opposite view about this and they would not let me go to the class by riding a motorcycle because it is dangerous and anything can happen. Besides, I am a girl, and almost become a w...