Learn Japanese Language

I used to learn this language from my Seng sei during my secondary school, and it's quite interesting, because not many Japanese people can speak in English.They are comfortable to speak in their own language instead of using the English language. I'm pretty sure that you guys will love this. Enjoy learning! There is some simple Japanese greetings * Itte kimasu [it-teh kih-mas] - said when you're leaving. They also use this phrase when they're about to do something (I guess it's like they're leaving their little group behind). Like for example, in Japanese game shows, when someone decides to go do the challenge they would pull up their sleeves and cheerfully cry out, "Jya, itte kimasu!" * Itte (i)rasshai [it-teh ra-shyai]- said to someone who's leaving. Used more like at home, when the dad, or kids, are about to leave home to go to work or school. The "i" is almost silent. Itte kimasu and itte irasshai are a set phrase. ...