Deep Down Inside My Heart - I'm Hurt.

Lady Liyana Why do you ask me about this? Assalamualaikum! Have you ever feel like this - you want to be alone when someone ask you about what do you up to and how is your life? Since three years ago, some people in my life are keep asking about my private lives and I feel very uncomfortable. My private lives are mine, because one should not interfere in other's business if they are not involve with it. In my opinion, I think everyone must have secrets and they should not tell their secrets or their 'big problems' to anyone, unless they had tried to solve it but it was still unsolved, so they can tell their problems to their BIOLOGICAL PARENTS or caring-beloved family members. There is no other people who loves us like they do, they will support us no matter what happens. I was very upset, when I have to lie about myself. I have tried to avoid lying to other people, but when situations become hard, lie is the best thing that I can do. I am feeling safe when so...