Past year answers for Human Resource Management

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

*UiTM paper
Please re-check the answers befor you use it as your references or for your revision as all of these are being answered by students.

What are the 5 ways to build human capital so it becomes the competitive advantage of the organization?
  • Definition of competitive advantage
An advantage that a firm has over its competitors, that allow it to generate greater sales or margins and/or to get more customers than its competitors. There can be many types of competitive advantages such as the firm’s cost structure, product offerings, distribution network and customer support.
  • Define human capital
A measure of the economic value of an employee’s skill set. This measure builds on the basic production input of labour measure where all labour is thought to be equal. The concept of human capital recognizes that not all labour is equal. The quality of employees can be improved by investing in them. The education, experience and abilities of an employee have an economic value for employers and for the economy as a whole.
  • 5 Ways to build human capital so that it becomes the competitive advantage of the organization
  •  Source of the right talent for the organization (right person for the right role)
  • Job mismatch leads to confusions and eventually decreases overall productivity and output
  • Orienting new employees to their job. Mere documents and employee handbooks are not sufficient to welcome a new employee.
  • Design a suitable induction program that not only introduce a new individual with the systems, policies of the organisation but also make him feel comfortable within the system.
  •  Constant training is essential for every organization in order to upgrade the skills of the employees so that they can cope well with the changing times.
  •  This also increases human capital
  •  Understand what your employees are up to.
  • Manager must take regular feedbacks from their subordinates so that their performance can be monitored.
  • Example: Introduce the concept of online weekly report system, where each employee would have its own ID and passwords.
          At the end of every week, employees should be directed to fill the online weekly report which would automatically go to their reporting bossess for them to evaluate their performances and write comments and feedbacks. Through this way, the superiors can keep a track on their employees’ progress easily. 
  • Subordinates must be able to walk up their manager’s cabin if they want to ask questions or such.
  • Problems must be discussed on an open forum for everyone to give their suggestions, feedbacks and ideas.
  • The superiors must not ignore even smallest problem as this may cause a more serious situation later on.
  • Each employee should have a chance to voice out their opinions, ideas or such to the decision making of a company so that they feel attach with the management as well as organisation.
  • Job responsibilities of employees must be clearly defined to expect the best out of them.
  • Key responsibilities areas (KRAs) must be designed in line with an individual’s past work experience, educational qualification and area of interest. KRAs supposed to reflect essential functions of one’s job.
  • Employees must be motivated from time to time so that they will work harder and for others to draw inspiration from them.
  • The talents of good employees must be recognized either by offering them lucrative incentives or giving them a decent salary hike.
Advantages of On-the-job Training
Firstly, most cost effective. This is because manager do not require send the employees to go for the training outside which is arranging training needs. Moreover, it does not require separate training space to provide training. Secondly is easy for employees to understand. OJT is simple and useful to learn the jobs. It is because employees can learned through watching and doing. At the same time, manager does no need to explain very details because employees can learn it by observing and then perform it. Lastly, strengthened the relationship. On-the-job training gives opportunity for trainer, manager or senior employee to build relationship with new employees. It can be seen when manager give training to employees about their jobs.
Disadvantages of On-the-job training
Firstly, the disadvantage is the lack of a well-structured training environment. Employees only are training in the organization. Every day, they see the same environment whether they on duty or training. This can lower their motivation and spirit to increase their productivity. Secondly, is poor training skills on the part of managers. The manager only trains the employees on certain part. This is due to the lack of time. Manager usually teach the basic information that needed by employees. For example, if the employees as a cashier, manager just teach on how to manage the money. Manager not teaches them on how to treat customers. Lastly, the disadvantage is misunderstanding may happens. Employees which are lack of training, of course will make unintentional mistake. So, they cannot find their mistake easily due to lack of knowledge.
Advantages of Apprenticeship Training
Firstly, the advantage is employees or student can earn while learn. There are no loans, no fees and no debt. The important is they will be paid salary by employer and government support the cost of training for most young people. Secondly, offered a various learning experience. Employees or students do not need to study the whole day. Most of the time will be spending at a company to work. Lastly, it gives a chance to work towards a qualification. In this training, employees will get the skills and knowledge that needed by the company. This is because it will increase the company image and can avoid mistake while carrying the duty.
Disadvantages of Apprenticeship Training
Firstly, the disadvantage is work limitations. Some apprentices are limited from engaging in some types of activities by practical and legal standards even though employees get to complete many of hands on work. Secondly, minimal recognition is also the disadvantage of apprenticeship training. A challenge for an ambitious apprentice is that employees work with professional in completing the tasks but they do not get much the recognition. Lastly, it provides a low pay of salary. This is because apprentices are less experienced and skills. It is different with the professional workers that paid for high salary.
Advantages of Internship Program
Firstly, it can give the great experience for student or employees. They can experience the working environment, to make comparison between the organizations which provide the better training. It also allows interns to make contacts with managers and employees. Secondly, the advantage is getting the salary during internship. Company usually pay the salary for students. So, it become worth for them. It not only make appreciate, but also will encourage them to perform well. Thirdly, internship can get student hired. Most of the company will hire the internship student that used give contribution for them. This is because the company already know that person and do not need to find other applicants.

Disadvantages of Internship Program
Firstly, the disadvantage is too much interning. Interning is a great chance and make the new experience. But, too many internships will occurs misunderstanding to potential employers. They might think that there is not worth to pay salary to applicant. Secondly, time it takes to train and monitor the intern. Some of the managers do not have time to monitor the applicant. This is because they have a lot of task to do, plus the applicant is a new, so manager needs to teach them everything starting from the scratch. Lastly, insufficient initiative of doing the job. Applicant wait for the tasks to be assigned by the supervisor rather than asking what the job that must be done. This is because some of the applicants do not like to ask the supervisor when supervisor were busy.
Advantages of Classroom Instruction.
Firstly, it gives motivation and attendance. This is because the attendance is important for employees to show the good image. Secondly, make easy to interact each other. Trainers can face to face with employees and employees can ask question if they do not understand. They can make discussion group. Thirdly, allows trainers to train employees in quiet, safe and conducive environment. This will helps employees to focus during the classes, because free from noise and pressures of the work area.
Disadvantages of Classroom Instruction
Firstly, time consuming. It referring to the manager needs to train employees one by one. It will ensure the employees understand about the speech. Secondly, it’s often hard to schedule this kind of training if trainer run shifts. Trainer needs to find the suit time with employees to ensure employees can join the training. This is difficult for workers that have shifts too.
Analyze the importance of having orientation program
1) Engaging New Hires
An effective orientation program can enhance employees' engagement, making them feel like they're a productive part of the organization more quickly. Engagement can also increase through the use of mentors, who typically are seasoned employees who help new hires learn about organization and the task that need to do. Having a mentor provides new hires with someone they can trust to ask questions or voice concerns.
2) Understanding Benefits
The orientation period is typically the time when employees can gain a more in-depth understanding of the employer's benefit program, as opposed to the brief overview they received during the interview process. Even smaller businesses may offer more than one option in areas such as health insurance, so a thorough explanation of these options can help the employee make a more informed selection. Employees can also learn when benefits become available.
3) Understanding Expectations
Orientation programs help employees gain an understanding of what is expected of them. Each organization has its own rules and regulations, policies regarding areas such as dress, attendance and conduct. The orientation should make it clear what is and is not acceptable. Employees should also get a sense of the organizational culture during this time so they have a better understanding of what they need to do to.
4) Creating First Impressions
An orientation program creates a positive first impression of the organization for the employees. Orientation shows that the company is sensitive to the needs of new hires, which can lead to a greater level of comfort. Employees can also gain the sense that the company is a professional, well-managed organization that pays close attention to detail and is willing to assist employees during the sometimes-difficult transition period when starting a new job.
JUNE 2014 (PART B)
QUESTION 3: Importance of having orientation program?
Employee orientation is the process of introducing employees to their new jobs and work environment. It provides an opportunity for new employees to get use to their new company, department colleagues and work expectations. Effective orientations provide many benefits for employers and employees and can ensure a smooth transition into the new workplace for all involved.

  • First importance is covering basics
- Introduce employees to the fundamentals of the company and their jobs from an administrative standpoint.
- They can learn important rules and details of the job and position
- During orientation employers will verify any licenses or certifications required for the job like drive license, teaching credential, broker’s license and so forth.
- Employees will complete necessary paperwork, receive and review the employee handbook, learn about and sign up for benefits and learn about some very fundamentals elements of the new position such as parking arrangements, where the cafeteria and restroom are.

  • Secondly, fewer mistakes and faster productivity
-The benefits of the orientation are clear and visible to both the new employee and organisation.
- The organisation benefits from such factors as to reduce the turnover of employees.
- Improve productivity as a few benefits of a systemic orientation.
- Employees benefited from feeling valued and “fitting in” to the new job more easily and quickly. Fewer mistakes are made by the new employees who are relaxed.
   JAN 2013 PART B Question 1
a) Distinguish between structured interviews and ustructured interviews in employment selection.
Structured intervews:
– Interview is conducted based on standard set of questions with standard set of answers for rating applicants
– Questions given are related with requirements of JD and JS
– Candidate’s knowledge is required to perform this type of job, experience in handling job-related experience, and other job related personal requirement such as work overtime, learn new skills
– Can be divided into two behavioral and situational interview

Unstructured interviews:
– Interviewer pursues candidates points of interest as they come up in response to questions
– Allow maximum freedom to the interviewee to determine the course of interview
– Interviewer has a great discretion in choosing questions to ask each candidate
– It is useful in bringing out extra information, attitudes, feelings that may otherwise be concealed ot not allowed to surface
– Suitable for candidates of high level position

 b) Disadvatages of using background and reference checks in selection
– Manipulation or fraud of information from the referrer in favor of the candidates 
– Negative recommendation by the referrer 
– The referrer does not know the applicant well and it is hard to give comment and opinion about the applicant
– Reluctant to give comment by the referrer (hard to cooperate to give information)
– Incomplete and inaccurate information given by the referrer 
June 2015 PART B
(b) Explain the FOUR (4) criteria in evaluating the effectiveness of training programme.
One of the vital aspect of the training and development is the evaluation of training effectiveness as without proper evaluation it is difficult to evaluate the training program. The following condition needs to be developed for the evaluation of training effectiveness.
  • Reaction of the participants
This is related with the feeling of the participants about the methods of training and the training. The reaction on such training content, process, method and so forth is measured at the end of each training activity. This brings all the participants upon a level of knowledge and experience. This is subject because every participant is free to react on his or her own way.
  • Changes in participant’s knowledge and skills
The change in participant's knowledge and skills due to the implementation of training program is very important in order to evaluate the effectiveness of training. The training is said to be effective if the participants are contributed with specific knowledge and skills.   
  • Change in participant’s attitude
Attitude can be defined as the perception or belief of an individual about a particular subject matter. This is another crucial standard to evaluate the effective of training effectiveness. The attitude and belief changes of employees will result in better  performance and behaviour on actual workstation. Therefore, managers are always responsible in bringing the change in employee's attitudes, beliefs and perception through the behavioral training.
  •  Change In job performance
It is another useful standard of evaluating training effectiveness. When an individual shows a different method of performing the job that increase his productivity in working after attending a training program, it is said that the training has been effective. 
  • Organizational Performance
This standard shows the improvement on overall performance of the organizational activities. It is related with the improvements in job performance in terms of productivity and quality. The training should fulfill the organizational need such as decreasing turnover, high productivity, quality output, improved labor relation and so forth. Hence, the training program should be organized basing on these aspects of organizational performance. The training seems to be effective only if it achieves its stated goals and objectives.
a) Explain 4 benefits of internet recruiting
1) Easy access to employers
Employers can easily access the candidate through online recruitment, they can contact with them by using these pro-sites. These pro-sites are not restricted to any geographical boundary or any other parameters. Online recruitment websites maintains database of all career level and industries and regions.
2) Minimized the hiring cost
Job posting is now inexpensive, as it was so much expensive before. Job portals allow posting the job at very low rates with the guarantee that the job will be viewed publically. Thus online posting made easier for every candidate to view the job of his related field, people can view the job immediately right after it’s posting.
3) Online recruitment is time saving
Able to search for job twenty four hours a day. The real-time interaction of employers with employees. The recruiters and employers can easily access to the job seekers, and job seekers can easily find the jobs as well as recruiters on these career sites. Candidates can upload their resume on these career sites and their resume goes public immediately. So recruiters are not to wait any more due to online recruitment they can do immediate screening of the candidate.
4) Reach international talent
Companies are not confined to the local talent pool. Using online recruitment, it can lead companies to international talent. This is because internet connecting people from all over the world.
June 2012 part b q1
Functions of Human Resource Department.
The HR Department need to conduct and deal with all the employee vacancies in the organization. They need to observe, monitor and plan either the organization have enough manpower on that time or not.
Workplace safety is an important factor. Employers have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for employees. One of the main functions of HR is to support workplace safety training and maintain federally mandated logs for workplace injury and fatality reporting. In addition, HR safety and risk specialists often work closely with HR benefits specialists to manage the company's workers compensation issues.
Employee Relations
An employee relation is the HR discipline concerned with strengthening the employer-employee relationship through measuring job satisfaction, employee engagement and resolving workplace conflict. It may include developing management response to union organizing campaigns, negotiating collective bargaining agreements and rendering interpretations of labour union contract issues.
Compensation and Benefits
Compensation and benefits functions of HR often can be handled by one HR specialist with dual expertise. On the compensation side, the HR functions include setting compensation structures and evaluating competitive pay practices. They may negotiate group health coverage rates with insurers and coordinate activities with the retirement savings fund administrator. 

(a) Outline briefly the rights and responsibilities for employee and employer in accordance with Occupational, Safety and Health Standard.
DUTIES OF EMPLOYER Part IV of OSHA 1994 (Section 15-19)
  • To the employee and others
  • Ensure safety, health and welfare at work
  • Ensure necessary plan is up to the necessary standard
  • Safe system, minimize operations that present danger
  • Provide training and information
  • Contravene with what had been stated above will have to pay fine not exceeding RM 50,000 or 2 years imprisonment or both
DUTIES OF EMPLOYEES Part IV OSHA 1994 (Section 24-27)
  • S 24 (1)
  • (a) to take responsible care of what they are working on
  • (b) Cooperate with employer of any person in the discharge of any duty
  • (c)To wear/use protective equipment
  • (d)To comply with any instructions
  • Contravene with what had been stated above will have to pay fine not exceeding RM 1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 3 months or both.
  • If intentionally, recklessly or negligently have to pay RM 20000 or to imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or both. 

JUNE 2015
Analyse the FOUR (4) types of benefit which are legally required to be given to an employee of an organisation
Benefits are any perks offered to employees in addition to salary. The most common benefits are medical, disability, and life insurance; retirement benefits; paid time off; and fringe benefits. Benefits can be quite valuable. Medical insurance alone can costs a lot of money for a month. That is the reason why it is vital for an employee to consider benefits as part of his total compensation.
1. Medical Insurance
Medical insurance includes the costs of physician and surgeon fees, hospital rooms, and prescription medicines. Dental and optical care also might be offered as part of an overall benefits package. However, it also may be offered as separate pieces or not covered at all. Coverage can sometimes include the employee's family too. Employers usually pay all or part of the premium for employee medical insurance. Meanwhile, often the employees pay a percentage of the monthly cost. The cost of insurance through an employer.
2. Disability insurance
This  insurance replaces all or part of the income that is lost when a worker is unable to perform their job because of illness or injury. This benefit is not commonly offered. There are two main types of disability insurance namely short-term diability and long-term disability. The short-term disability insurance starts right away or within a few weeks of an accident, illness or some disability. For instance, when an employee hurt in a car accident would be offered a few paid weeks to recover. The long-term disability insurance provides benefits to an employee when a long-term or permanent illness, injury, or disability leaves the individual unable to perform his or her job. For an example, an employee with serious spinal injuries could be entitled to long-term disability benefits until retirement age.
3. Life Insurance
Life insurance protects the employee’s family in case they die. The benefits are paid all at once to the beneficiaries of the policy, usually a spouse or children. The employee can get life insurance through an employer if they sponsor a group plan. Company-sponsored life insurance plans are standard for almost all full-time workers in medium and large firms across the country. The employee can also buy it privately, but this is usually more expensive.
4. Paid Time Off
Paid time off (also referred to as PTO) is earned by employees while they work. The three common types of paid time off are holidays, sick leave, and vacation leave. Most employees earn these as separate benefits.
5. Fringe Benefits

Fringe benefits are a variety of non-cash payments are used to attract and retain talented employees. This may include tuition assistance, flexible medical or child-care spending accounts (pre-tax accounts to pay qualified expenses), other child-care benefits, and non-production bonuses (bonuses not tied to performance). Tuition reimbursement can be an especially important benefit if you plan to take classes in your personal time. This can be a great way to advance in your career. Most firms offering tuition assistance require that courses are related to job duties.


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