Japanese Script Part II

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Just sharing our Japanese Language script for third language video assignment. Glad if it is helpful for you.

                       (THE ENJOYABLE HOLIDAY)


Liyana  as  リヤナ
Aini as  アイニ・あきこ
Afifah as  アフィファ・あやね
Afi as  アフィ・なおみ
Lily as  りり

シーン1:  おぼんまつり   (SCENE 1: OBON MATSURI)

Liyana : Moshi-moshi. Konbanwa Aini-Chan. Nani shimasu ka.
 (Hello. Good evening Aini Chan, what are you doing?)

Ayane : Moshi-moshi. Sumimasen ga, watashi wa Ayane desu. Anata wa dare desu ka.
(Hello. Sorry but, I am Ayane. Who are you?)

Liyana : Aaa…Ayane san! Liyana desu ga, Aini-Chan wa irrashaimasu ka.
   (Aaa…Miss Ayane! This is Liyana, is Aini there?)

Ayane : Heya ni Aini-Chan ga imasen. Aini chan wa shokuji o shimasu. Chotto matte kudasai.
(Aini is not in the room. She is having meal. Please wait for a moment.)

Liyana : Hai, wakarimashita.
(Yes, I understand.)

Ayane : Aini-Chan. Liyana san wa denwa o kakemashita.
 (Aini, Liyana called you.)

Aini : Hai, arigatou ne.
 (Yes, thank you) She gets the phone from Ayane.
  Ayane goes away.

  Moshi-moshi. Liyana Chan, nan desu ka?
 (Hello, Liyana. What’s up?)

Liyana : Issho ni ashita eiga o mimasen ka. Detsu Noto wa omoshiroi eiga desu.
(Let’s watch a movie together, tomorrow? Death Note is an interesting film.)

Aini : Sumimasen ga, chotto…ashita wa Mareshia-go no tesuto desu.
(Excuse me, but… Malay Language test is tomorrow.)

Liyana : Aaa…so desu ka. Daijyobu. Raishu wa do desu ka.
(Aaa..is that so. It’s okay. How about next week?)

Aini : Watashi wa raishu ni doko e mo ikimasen.
(Next week, I am not going anywhere.)

Liyana : Issho ni Penan de Obon Matsuri o mimasen ka.
(Let’s go and see Penang Obon Matsuri together?)

Aini : Ii desu ne! Mimasho. Sono Obon Matsuri wa do desu ka.
(Let’s go there. How about the Obon Matsuri there?)

Liyana : Nigiyaka desu yo. Demise mo omoshiroi desu.
(It’s lively. The stalls are interesting too.)

Aini : So desu ka. Tanoshii desu ne!
(Is that so?So enjoyable!)

Liyana : Ja ne!
(See you!)

(Raishu - Next week)

*Both of them went to Penan Obon Matsuri*

Aini : Penan Obon Matsuri wa totemo omoshiroi desu.
(Penang Bon odori is very interesting.)

Liyana : Hai, Nihon ryori wa totemo oishii desu ne. Watashi wa hajimete ni okonomiyaki o  tabemashita.
(Yes, the dishes are very delicious. I eat okonomiyaki for the first time.)

Aini : Okonomiyaki wa do desu ka.
(How is it?)

Liyana : Oishikute, yasui desu. Mareshia jin wa sono okonomiyaki o shimashita.
(It’s delicious yet cheap. Malaysian cooked that okonomiyaki.)

Aini : So desu ka. Watashi wa sushi o tabemashita.
(Is that so. I eat sushi.)

 Miss Yukata no kyoso, mo omoshiroi desu ne.
(Miss Yukata competition is also interesting.)

Liyana : Hai, kanojora wa jishinno arimasu. Yukata wa kirei desu ne. Demo, kimono wa totemo  kirei  desu.
(Yes, they are confident. Yukata is beautiful. But, kimono is really beautiful.)

Aini : Hai, totemo kirei. Demo kimono wa takai desu. Yukata wa yasui desu.
(Yes, it’s very beautiful. But kimono is expensive. Yukata is cheap.)

Liyana :  Aaa…sou desu ka. Kondo, issho ni shokuji ni iki masenka?
(Aaa..is that so? Next time, why don’t we having meal together?)

Aini : Hai, iki taidesu.
(Yes, I would like to go.)

シーン2:いなか  (SCENE 2 : VILLAGE)
Afifah : Lily san, konnichiwa.
              (Lily, good afternoon.)

Lily : Konnichiwa.
              (Good afternoon.)

Afifah : Inaka wa dochira desu ka.
             (Where is your village?).

Lily  : Inaka wa Marraka desu.
             (My village is in Melaka).

Afifah : Lily san no inaka wa donna tokoro desu ka.
             (Lily, how is your village?)

Lily : Watashi no inaka wa shizukade, kirei desu
             (My village is quiet and beautiful.)

Afifah : Inaka ryori wa do desu ka.
             (How about the village food?)

Lily : Inaka ryori wa oishikute, yasui desu
             (The food are delicious and cheap.)

Afifah : Inaka ni dare ga imasu ka.
             (Who’s at the village?)

Lily : Ryoshin ga imasu. Ane mo imasu
              (My parents are there. My sister is also there.)

Afifah : Marraka wa donna machi desu ka.
              (How about Malacca city?)

Lily : Marraka wa furui machi desu. A Famosa, Taming Sari ga arimasu.
              (Malacca is an old city. It has A Famosa, Taming Sari.)

Afi : Watashi wa no inaka raishu ikimasu.
               (Next week, I will be back to my village.)

Afifah   : Inaka wa dochira desu ka.
               (Where is your village?)

Afi :  Inaka wa Johore desu.
                (My village is in Johor.)

Lily :   So desu ka.
   (Is that so.)

Afi :  Raishu wa ane no kekkonshiki desu
                (Next week my sister is getting married.)

Afifah & Lily:  Omedeto gozaimasu

シーン :カフェー  (SCENE 3:  KAFE)

Afi : Lily Chan, yasumi ni doko e ikimasu ka.
  (Lily, this holiday, will you go anywhere?)

Lily : Doko e mo ikimasen. Anime o mimasu.
   (I will not be going anywhere. I will be watching anime.)

Afi : So desu ka. Doko de anime o mimasu ka.
  (Is that so. Where will be you watching that?)

Lily : Uchi de mimasu.
 (I will be watching it at home.)

Afi : Anata wa ‘Kimi no Todoke’ o mimasu ka.
  (Lily, do you watch ‘Reaching You’?)

Lily : Hai. Omoshirokute, yumeina anime desu.
  (Yes. An interesting yet famous anime.)

Afi :  Sawako wa totemo shizuka desu. Kazehaya wa hansamu desu.
   (Sawako is very quiet. Kazehaya is very handsome.)

Lily :  *Laughing* Aaa…Raishu wa nani o shimashita ka.
(*Laughing* Aaa…Next week, are you going anywhere?)

Afi : Watashi wa Ipoh e ikimasu.
 (I want to go to Ipoh.)

Lily : Aa….so desu ka. Dare to ikimasu ka.
 (Aa…is that so. You go with whom?)

Afi : Ototo to ikimasu.
 (I go with my brother.)

Lily : Nan de ikimasu ka.
(You will go there by what?)

Afi : Kuruma de ikimasu.
 (We go by car.)

Lily : Ki o tsukete ne.
 (Okay, have a safe journey!)

シーン4: やすみ  (SCENE 4: HOLIDAY)

Afifah : Lily san, yasumi ni doko e ikimasu ka.
 ( Lily san, during this holiday, are you going anywhere?)

Lily : Watashi wa ryoko o shimasu.
 (I’m going to travel.)

Afifah : Doko e ryoko o shimasu ka.
 (Where are you going to travel?)

Lily : Nihon o shimasu.
(I’m going to Japan)

Afifah : So desu ka. Nihon e nani o shimasu ka.
(Is that so. What will you do there?)

Lily : Watashi wa kaimono o ikimasu.
(I will go shopping.)

Afifah : Nan de ikimasu ka.
(You go there by what?)

Lily : Hikoki e ikimasu.
(I will go there by aeroplane.)

Afifah : Itsu Nihon e ikimasu ka.
(When you will go to Japan?)

Lily : Asatte ikimasu.
(I will go on the day after tomorrow.)

シーン5:かいもの (SCENE 5 : SHOPPING)

Akiko : Naomi Chan, Kuara Rumpuru yoku kaimono o shimasu ka.
(Naomi, do you always go shopping at Kuala Lumpur?)

Naomi : Hai, yoku shimasu.
(Yes, I always go shopping there.)

Akiko : Ja, raishu issho ni KLCC de kaimono o shimasen ka.
(Okay, why don’t we go shopping at KLCC together?)

Naomi : Ii desu ne. So shimasho.
(Let’s go!)

Akiko : Naomi Chan, anata wa nani o kaimasu ka.
(Naomi, what do you will buy there?)

Naomi :Omiyage o kaimasu. Anata wa.
(I will buy a gift. How about you?)

Akiko : Watashi wa T-shatsu o kaimasu.
(I want to buy a T-shirt.)

Naomi : So desu ka. Nan de ikimasu ka.
 (Is that so? We’ll go there by what?)

Akiko :Takushi de ikimasu.
 (We’ll go there by taxi.)

Naomi : Ja, raishu ni aimasho.
 (Okay, see you next week.)



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