Necessity for failure

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

There are some of my friends who have to repeat the papers for some courses. 
I wish them best wishes and pray so that they will manage to pass this time with flying colours, 

Amin ya Rabbal Alamin:)
Failure is not a barrier for us to achieve what we want.
 I, once had failed for 3 times in an important exam and I struggle harder to get a place at university.
I, once had felt the way failure crushed all my dreams at the time when most of my friends were able to further their studies in high prestige university and even overseas.
Then I finally realized that it was a special experience in life of mine, reminding me that the examination, did not mean everything in life.
Most important, we have made a lot of efforts to face it, then the rest we have to pray hard and leave it all to Allah.
*Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today, I dare to win -Bernadette Devlin

Believe me, it is one of the journeys to success.


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