Moving on

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I miss the time that had passed.
The time when I really enjoy myself studying with my friends,
living in a college for the first semester until the fifth semester without worrying about safety and bills,
back home on weekend,
travelling in small pekan that has everything- at least enough for a student like me though it does not have a cinema. I don't have so much interest to watch movie in a cinema pun, my lappy already provides all kind of tv shows and movies that I want.
I miss the time when I only need to take a van to go to class and pay only 50 cent - this is worth much, rather than walking.
During diploma time, life already feels tough but the degree's life is really a bit tougher than that.
I'm not kidding.
You might not be able to live in college for every semester if you are not an active student as chances for that will be given to your new brothers and sisters *yang baru masuk universiti.
So, you need to rent a house and if your house is just nearby the university, you are lucky. If not, I'm sure those who are overweight will be getting slimmer body by walking. No more diet pills.
If you only took 6 courses for one semester in your diploma, you will be taking about 8-9 courses for degree *this is for those who studying administrative sciencelah- other courses might be slightly different.
It feels like sitting for SPM again, taking 9 subjects, struggling for it and hoping to score flying colours.
Then if you still stick with the same attitude and method of studying just like your diploma time it may be not enough, this had been said by my senior and it seems like there is a truth behind her words. Meaning, we need to double our effort.
I just hope and pray that Allah will make my path towards success in dunya and the Hereafter becomes easier.
Most important, La taia'su. I don't want to be a person who give up easily.
Man Jadda wa jada.


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