
April 13, 2014
6th day of holiday semester 4
Bismillah and Assalamualaikum.

Today is the sixth day of the fourth semester holiday. I am alone in my family house, as usual, because my parents are working and my siblings have to go to school. However, my neighbours are with me (In the residential area of course). Oh, I forget that my dad and my younger brother, Abe go to HUSM Kubang Kerian for the doctor’s appointment. He has a problem with his eyes since he was small and he had gone through a few operations to fix it. Alhamdullilah, I can see his eyes are getting better. Abe even wears spectacles.

How I want to spend my semester holiday? More accurately, how will I spend my gold- the free time? Actually, I am not really free. Every day in this house I have to clean up the house since my 2 little brothers are sleeping in the living room with all the mattress, blankets and pillows are everywhere every morning they wake up. They WILL NOT help me to clean their own mess.

 I will start my day with the television and at 12.00 o’clock in the afternoon just like a CLEANERela I will start my duty, sweeping the floor, arranging the books and newspapers, washing the dishes and even cook for lunch. Believe or not, since I am 22 years old and without my second younger sister in the house I will have willingness to cook. My mum teaches me a lot. I have learnt 2 recipes in this holiday, namely Tom Yam Putih and Fried KueyTeow. Okay, maybe they are not as tasty as my mum’s cook, but at least my dad and my little brothers will have something to eat every time they are back home from school. And of course, I always make sure that there is a jug of either juice, syrup or ice tea on the table. What a nice sister and daughter, I am, right people?

I rarely go out from the house, especially when there is no one in my house. Yes, I also envy my friends who can go out and find a job to add their pocket money. Obviously my parents will not allow me to do so. They are worried about my safety; however, I have this kind of feeling that one day when I finish my study, they will allow me to find a part time job. Maybe being a cashier or a grocer’s assistant.

Nevertheless, I actually used to work part time, but in the house. I help a lecturer from a university at my uncle is studying to type his writing to publish a new book. I get RM 100 for that easy, but quite tired job. Last semester, a friend of mine suggest me to be the assistant for Minggu Destini Siswa aka MDS. I have to go for 3 days course to train me to be a good PM (Pemimpin Mahasiswa) then I have to take care of the students and activities during the induction programme for 1 week. All of the activities above need me to sacrifice my holiday time. Alhamdullilah, I get RM 150 for doing that job. Besides, I also help my family members and friends with their assignments and I never ask for money or such but they will give me some money or treat me some food that if I refuse them I will face such a big loss. Hehe:B

I also teach some of my juniors in MDAB for a semester in Intensive Mathematics and I get some money from that. Please, do not misunderstand this; I really do it for them to be a better person with better understanding in Maths and university’s life. But the society that conducts the program gives me some money as something like wages and a certificate.  I even used to send my writing to a few magazines and I get some money from that and presents too. These are my ‘part time job’. Yes, I know my salary are cheaper to compare to those who really working out there but, I can get more valuable thing which is, the experience. It is a good feeling to get money with your own work, but to get an experience is far more worth.
Okay, this evening I clean up the outside of my house. I wonder what I want to do for tomorrow.

1) Clean up the house
2) Cook for lunch
3) Study MUET
4) SolatSunatDhuha

Okay that’s all for today, thank you.
With heaps of love,

April 15, 2014

8th day of fourth semester

Bismillah and Assalamualaikum.

I am a girl who always forget to take off her spectacles when washes her face. This was my habit, thank God I have two spectacles and sometimes people cannot recognize me because of the different glasses that I wear.

I am a girl who loves cooking; I swear that is my new hobby. Although my dad and my brothers keep complaining about the taste of my cooking, they have to eat them all because my mum is working. I only cook for lunch while my mum will make the breakfast and dinner. See, we are very lucky to have a loving yet a good cooking mother.

Oh yes. This writing was supposed to tell you all about my holiday. Well, I started my day with puked. I did not know what makes me sick but it might be because of the food that I ate last night. My mum bought a lot of food from the market and I eat a packet of keropok lekor without cook it first and there was the result - my stomach was sick and I puked all of my stomach contain at 2.00 am in the bathroom. I was all alone, without feeling afraid of Malay Ghost, Vampire, Nang Nak, Cedric and so on. Well, I hope there will be strength just like last night for me to wake up and perform supererogatory acts like solat sunat tahajjud or reciting Quranic verses.

My younger sister woke up early to make sure that all of her preparations to go to a camp were all ready. My youngest little brother got a fever so he would not go to school today. Yes, I will have someone accompanying me at this house. I copied a Korean Drama from my sister last night. I had to wait for about an hour to take my pendrive that was attached with the plasma television because my mum was watching the previous meletop Malay Drama, “Ariana Rose” from it. I also copied some games and songs from my sister’s laptop. Yeah, I had to admit that it was quite bored to be in the house without something fun.

Guess what I cooked for lunch? I cooked Tom Yam Putih again, to strengthen my tom yam skill. Well, it tastes good. I also made some anchovies’dumplings and air Bandung.
Cleaned up the house? Done.
Alhamdullilah, this day was awesome.

Take care.

April 16, 2014

9th day of fourth semester

Diary title: Ayam masak kicap &  kapal ‘jigunya’ Bukit Ilmu

That was the menu for lunch. I ate it and gee…not bad at all. I mean my cooking; it seemed to be improved from time to time. I wished to learn more recipes, maybe abouthow to make a delicious cake and Western food.

Anyway, this was good as Insya Allah after the last semester I would like to continue my degree either in the same field or another field that caught my interest- the foreign language. Pray for me so that I will manage to shoot for the moon and the stars. Pray so that I will graduate with 4.0 as the pointer for my GPA. Ha, ha. Just kidding, it was like a dream…too good to be true.
The best person that you need to be is just yourself. Had you ever heard of that saying? It was my life motto during the secondary school. It was still clear in my mind that I even wrote them on the lid of my food Tupper ware and it caught other people’s attention. They would asked,

“Whose Tupper ware is this?”

As a people, who have feelings to be succeeded in life, you should at least have one life motto. Then, you had to try applying it in your life. Walk the talk; do not just type and post it in your FB status to show how intelligent you are.

Alhamdullilah, I want to thank Allah…for making my life beautiful because I was surrounded with the people who love and cared about me so much. They were so valuable yet so crucial for me to treasure.

I got a family who loved being moderate and always taking care of me no matter what condition I was in. My parents, who accepted me for whoever I was and helped me to stand up after I hit the bottom of my life and my  siblings who be with me when I needed them.

I got many good friends from the university and a few from my last previous school. The lecturers and teachers, who gave me thousands of reasons to live life with education and dignity, and  my best friends who always be with me whether I was sad or happy.

Oh Lord, please take care of them for me, and please make our heart as one. Do not let us separate or hate each other.

Once, I got all I wanted – the intelligence, good ranking in class, admired by people and femme. However I did not have the most precious thing as a person who would not want to live alone in this world – friends without jealousy. Nevertheless, right now I got best friends. That was tone of the best reasons for me to keep being thankful to Allah.

“I have a big ship, which is our friendship.” Ukhuwahfillan Abadan abada. (May our friendship last forever)

*jigunya – sahabatbaik (Korea)



Fourth Semester Holidays
Bismillah and Assalamualakum!

It is 27th of May 2014 and I am still on a holiday. Wow, this is  daebak as I can stay at home longer and spend more time with my family members, especially with my sisters. They are finally at home! - The second sister of mine who is studying TESL and the fourth younger sister of mine who is finished her PLKN.  She is the first one of my sibling that being compulsory to go there, well…. I think she has no problem with that as her ambition once is to be a policewoman. Except she has gayat syndrome. Keke.The third younger sister of mine is also on a second semester of holiday for form 6 which mean the next semester is her final semester, same like me.

 I cannot believe that I will finally finish my diploma in Public Administration, Insya Allah with a big success (for me) and with more lovely friends. Time flies so fast and Alhamdullilah, for the Fourth Semester Final Exam I get the Dean’s List for the third time. What makes me so happy is because my best friend who is also my roommate also gets the same award. Hence, congrats Aini! It will be a mirthful moment to go with you to the AnugerahKecemerlanganMahasiswa (AKM) with new gorgeous outfits and wide plain shawls! Now I have a companion to go there, I hope we both will manage to fulfil our dreams and live happily. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin

#Korean movies and variety shows such as EXO’s Show Time, We Got Married and Running Man are awesome. I will laugh all alone in the house while watching the funny antics of the actors and actresses.

I started to like Lorde's songs:)


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