Gurau aje!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  After Maghrib prayer, I was sitting at the small Japan table and I attracted to a paper. There was a Chinese woman, with a white selempang that written MRS universe Malaysia and the picture of her was already diconteng by crayon, well you know sometimes when we reading the newspaper and we are bored then we tend to draw moustache or spectacles on the picture of someone who actually does not have those things. My sister drew a longer curly hair for the woman and I took a black crayon to draw black headscarf on her. Actually this remembered me of my Biology teacher during form four, Mr. Ghazi who is a pious person *through my eyes ^^* Once, when we were learning about synapsis, cell division and reproduction there was a picture of a girl and a boy. The girl was free hair, and he asked us to draw the headscarf and then he said, “Cover her aurat..”
I actually wanted to laugh, but then I think it is the way of him as a teacher to tarbiah us to be a better Muslimah by using his own way. When I finished drawing the headscarf, I remembered of Puan Rozita Ibrahim, the pioneer of Sendayu Tinggi that started wearing face cover *purdah* and I draw a purdah on the picture and then I drew lines out of her eyes by using the black crayon to show that she was wearing some eyes celak. I took the paper and I walked out from the room, made my way to the prayer room and I saw my mum was sitting on the prayer mat. Maybe she finished her du’aa so I showed her the paper from the door and said,”Look ma, a woman who wears purdah won the Mrs Universe!” My mum has shortsightedness problem, and she cannot see well what I showed from far but she looked surprised. I was starting to laugh out loud when she took the paper and tried to look at it closer and the she touch it, the black crayon stuck on her finger. 
“I can’t even see it, I thought it was real,” my mum said and I laughed. Ma, gurau aje!


  1. Salam,

    It's really nice and thoughtful of you to drop a comment. Menitik air mata terharu. Lol. Not kidding.

    Dah jarang aktif kat blog sebenarnya, tak macam zaman sekolah dulu, ada aja benda nak dicoretkan kat blog. Asal outing je blogging. hoho. Now I don't really have time, hidup makin busy, belajar makin susah, tak macam sekolah. Sekarang makin hari makin addicted lak dengan fb, tak berpekdah betui.

    Anyway, I'm glad to know you're doing well. It makes me really happy that all my friends are coping well with their new lives after school. And especially you.

    Lama gila kan tak jumpa tak bertanya khabar?

    All the same, I wish you all the best :)

  2. Waalaikummussalam,

    sekarang ni pun tengah tersenyum sampai ke telinga sebab dapat komen daripada Kamilah:D

    terima kasih:) ukhwah fillan abadan abada.


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