Funny actually.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dear Aini, I hope you will be satisfied with my answers.

1. What is your name and what do you like about it?

My name is Nurul Liyana and I like the liyana part because it has the same sound like Diana, the late Princess of Whales. I guess my name is taken from her Royal Highness because I was born on 1992, which is the year of Princess Diana’s death. There is a great story about the lady, she almost get married to a Muslim named Dodi al-Fayed and embracing Islam but due to a car accident she dead. I already google for some past news and story about her and most of it said that Lady Diana was killed and the accident was not a regular accident but instead of that it was planned, just because her pure intention to embrace the true religion and the church institutions became afraid that her popularity might influence other people of Britain to do the same. In my opinion, if Lady Diana has intention to convert her religion to Islam and although she did not manage to do so, Allah SWT will reward her with what she should get, Insya Allah because Allah is The Almighty. For your information, Liyana means Softness, gentle and polite. Nurul was given by my late grandfather.

2. Everyone has bitter moment and if you have it too, what it is?

It happened 5 years ago, I guess. I think there’s no bitter moment than converting school not because I have to convert from residential school to a regular secondary school, but because I have to separate myself from my beloved friends who had shared smiles, laughter and tears with me for almost four years. Yes, there is no big difference from these two school, because you still have chance to reach up what you want if you study but I still can feel the difference when my dad had to pick me up from school and I don’t have to walk, when I have to make my own studying schedule instead of having preparation class for evenings and nights with my classmates and when I have to eat my food alone instead of eating with my friends in the dining room. A one year life without friends and beloved teachers of my previous school was such a great pain for me but I know that everything happens for a reason and there must be a good reason why I did not get the chance to finish my secondary school at a residential school and Allah is Ya Alim (Allah is The Knower of All).

3. What’s your opinion on Fb? Actually I have to do some research on this…

Honestly I started having my own FB account in 2010, which was after SPM. I think FB is just a trend and one day when another new social website is created, FB will be varnished just like Friendster. In my opinion, FB does have its boon and bane but there are more negative sides on FB such as slanders, broken relationships, identity theft and such. FB does help much in setting up an online business and connecting people or searching old friends but still it is not good for a student. What’s so funny about FB and me is I already deactivated my FB account after I read a newspaper that written “Deleting FB account lead to success in SPM”.

4. What love means to you? I mean, a love between a girl and a guy…

Love means when someone cares about you so much. He likes you and accepts anything about you and then in the same time you like him too. Love can be arranged. I want my parents to choose my future half part after I introduced that guy to them and if they agree with whom I choosing, that will lead to a happy and blessed marriage so in conclusion love is…marriage.

5. What is your life goal?

Private and confidential, ha ha :) I think I will keep my life goal as a private ambition of mine because I don’t want to expose it to any other people until I manage to achieve it so, do pray for my success in life and the Here After. 

That’s all. Thank you for asking, those questions were quite difficult to be answered.


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