Nak bebel


Things get complicated when your ambition or your important ones, become a laughing stock of someone that you care or love.

Saya sangat pantang benda begini.

If you ever heard of a girl who rejects a guy for laughing of her father's job as a Bahasa Melayu teacher, well for your information, that is me.

I am quite a particular person and I hate to be underestimated or overestimated by people.

If you want to make it simpler, then do not judge me at all.

 Do not ever try to estimate me and my life.

Do not even bother to do that. I am not an artist or public figure, that needs your over care 'evaluation'.

I just hate people who have this kind of attitude.

Bukan tak ada orang macam ni. Ada,

and in my precious life, I have met about 5 persons.

It is so annoying to be surrounded with this kind of people, the ones who will manage to jeopardize your plans for better life.

Bewarelah you that have this kind of attitude merendah-rendahkan orang lain.

Beware of yourself. Because bad attitude usually, ...'makan tuan'.


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