Jom Menulis

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It is common among the people nowadays to own at least a mobile phone. This is because; those things become one of our crucial needs in life as it eases our communication, study, study and so forward. However, it has become a movement today among young people to own latest technological appliances such as mobile telephones and other gimmicks. In my modest view, this tendency has its own health and unhealthy development among new people.  It actually depends on the users, the way they use their appliances will give either bad or good impact to them. Therefore, I will discuss about the advantages and the disadvantages of the trend.

First and foremost, there is a healthy development among young people of owning latest gadgets. A student can access more information and knowledge in the internet from reliable sources. He does not have to expend his time for hours in the library just to get books for references to finishes his assignment. Scarce with a click, no matter where he sounds he can generate much serious info in a prompt time. Time is gold, after all. Hence, the student can lay aside his precious time and money to do other good things such as joining sports, participating in fellowship and spend some quality time with friends or beloved family.

Secondly, by possessing the latest technical gizmo, one can know some current issues anytime or anywhere. He or she can recognize anything that goes on in the universe. This will avail them to add their general knowledge. For example, a Public Administration student needs to know a great deal about the current affairs in Southern Asia so that he can score well in the class. Therefore, the latest gadget like a tab or a smartphone can help him to access the internet to get the latest news. Moreover, the government also encourages the citizenry, especially the one who is 21 years old and above to make a smartphone by giving away ‘Smart phone Rebate’. The government initiative has facilitated many people of Malaysia to own a gadget to use for good.

Besides that, another advantage of having a gadget is we can strengthen our relationship with our acquaintances or household members. For instance, when you have a smart phone you will have a social website account like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and so on. By utilizing the social websites you can chase down your past school members, fellow workers, or acquire to know new people. No man is an island. You can gain new acquaintances in the social websites and exchange your ideas or even studying notes with them. Other than that, you can post comments, messages, pictures or even videos to your family members when you are living far off from them. This will facilitate you to fortify the family bonds as it will establish that you are always remembered and missing them although they are not with you.

Nevertheless, there are also some unhealthy developments when the youth owns the latest technical appliances. It actually rests in the hand of the users, if you use your gadget for good, and so it will be right for you and vice versa. The first disadvantage is it can cause you to be a careless soul. As a youth, it is keen to experience something that can release your stress after you have finished your classes or work such as playing online games, social sites, chatting and then onward. Nevertheless, when you are spending too much time on them you will end up being careless. As a result, a student may not finish his homework on time and a clerk will not do his work well because he is busy replying comments in his Facebook account!

In addition to that, the trend among youths can cause them to be an ignorant person. They will ignore other people and live in their own illusion life. Smart phones do help us to contact each other in an easier way, but it is better if we are meeting our love ones with our own rather than just sending comments on social websites to know whether they are good or not. Believe it or not, most students tend to neglect themselves when they are slack with the internet.  They love being in the room with their latest gadgets rather than go out and socializing with their friends. It becomes  worse when they are going back home to celebrate Eid Mubarak, Chinese New Year, Deepavali or such, they will pay attention to their gadgets all the time without talking to others!

Besides, when the youth owning the latest technological gadgets they tend to involve in negative social problems as it is easy to connect to the internet. It is easy to access porn or anything that related to sex on the internet. This is very harmful as it may destroy their attitude and encourage crime. Furthermore, the trend among youth to own latest technological gadgets will make it easy for some of them to cheat during examination or bullying people through cyber. Malaysian people are rich with courtesy and positive culture. The trend only causes the youth wasting their time and money.

In a nutshell, the trend today among youths to own technological gadgets has its own healthy and unhealthy development. Actually, as I stated above, it is mostly depends on the users of the technological gadgets. We take an analogy of a car and the accident. Do we stop using a car when the accident happens? No, because it depends on the driver, if he drives well and follows road regulations accident will not happen. It is not logic to stop using a car because of the accident as it has become one of the human needs in the world. The same thing goes for the trend among youths to own latest gadgets such as mobile phones and other devices. The youth should have their own awareness to use their technological gadgets wisely.

*I am just answering the question for MUET writing paper.


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