Cinta Sesungguhnya....

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Cinta Sesungguhnya
Ku adalah manusia yang paling beruntung memilikimu
Kau adalah manusia yang tak pernah habis menyayangiku….

“Saya utamakan lelaki yang memuliakan keluarga saya.” -Syumaila, Aku Ada Wali

Bismillah and Assalamualakum.

It has been a while I am not posting a new blog post in my dear nightingale. Have you ever felt uneasy feelings in your heart, which make you, think something bad may happen in your life? That is what I am feeling right now, at this time. Insya Allah, nothing bad will happen, because we have Allah, right?
Honestly, I have so many stories to tell you girls.

Yes. Firstly, story about my new roommates, Yaya, Mirah, Mizah and Ija. You take the same course, like me, DiPac and she is a very friendly person. Hence, no wonder she has many friends from almost all faculties in our university. Yaya has a little mole above her lips, and I assume that she is also a talkative person. It is true that I am talkative too, but Yaya is not defeated by me. She talks a lot about her day, her feelings, her anger and such. What's so awesome about her is she knows me, although I do not know her (I just recognize her face, and I do not know her name! Not until she texted me during the semester holidays to inform me that we will live together in the same room –happily ever after. Kah kah.) When she text me, she uses ‘I ‘and ‘You’. That is enough to make me laugh every time I receive her text.

Secondly, about Mirah. She is a tall girl… and she got Chinese look face which makes her looks alike Fetty, our Deputy President of UiTM Machang Students’ Council. She laughs every time I tell her about her face. Mirah is also a very ‘cengeng’ person (please, no heart feelings) She cried when her friend arrived late (about 2 hours late!) at college, because that girl had promised to her to back home at KB together. That was the very first time I saw her cried and I got to know from Yaya that she is the youngest daughter in her family. Padanlah…. However, she is a nice girl. She is actually a very good listener; she listens to what other people tell her… She let them finishes their sentences before she tells her opinion. Mirah takes IM course, but she does not love to use her studying table. She prefers her bed rather than the table to do revision. Therefore, I will use the table with my whole heart –happy.

Ija? She only stays with us in the room for a while before the college accept her persuasion for college. Pity her. I hope she will get her own room –very soon so that she can feel more comfortable. I love to look at people and find another person that has face just like them…. errs maybe similar to them. Believe or not, Ija’s face is similar to Madam Hamidah, my Chemistry teacher at SMK Kamil. Well, it is not weird to meet people that have the same face because we have about 7 people in the world that have the same face like us. That is a fact, am I right? Ija is a cool girl, she does not talk a lot, but she does look like a mature person.
Mizah, my dear sister. She supposed to be our juniors, as she is the sole person in our room from part 2… but Mizah is just at the same age like Yaya and the rest except me. She suffers of Thalassemia which is also called as blood cancer. She cannot do too much physical activity that can cause her to be fatigued or else that will be not good for her health. I get to know more about Thalassemia from her… it just opposite of leukaemia. Thalassemia is a disease that happens because the patient lacks of haemoglobin aka red blood cell while Leukaemia happen because the person lack of leucocyte aka white blood cell. During my school time I used to call white blood cell as W.B.C. When I told my mum about Mizah, she told me to ask Mizah to eat eels. Eels are traditionally trusted can help us to improve our antibody. Mizah laughs often when I talk… as I love making people laugh, especially the one who needs to laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine omputih cakap… Ha ha? Really? Depends on disease lah…if someone got diarrhoea then you make jokes…what will happen? Rasa rasa? Ha, ha. That was some jokes from Lawak Ke Der 3. Nevertheless, I prefer Haris Iskander more than other pelawaks when it comes to jokes. Hai bila nak pergi istana budaya tengok lawak ke der nih?

Study macam mana? Okay?

Okaylah. I get to know my lecturers during my first day at UiTM. Most of them have been teaching my group before… so we are already getting to know each other.
Setakat ni sahaja, sesi penggulungan dah sampai.

As usual, please..Please and please pray for my friends and I so that we will grad with flying colours for our diploma. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

# I am not embarrassed with what I am up to now. I accept myself…. I accept my destiny. To you (who feels you are related to what had happened me),

 I can forgive what you have done to me,

But do not forget to ask forgiveness from my PARENTS (they cried a lot) and the most crucial… please ask FORGIVENESS from ALLAH.

Oh, one more thing.
I am so sorry if my English is a bit broken…
but I have to write my blog in English (for certain reasons).

Believe me, “Grammar is not Nazi.” Ha ha.


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