A pearl
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahhi wa barakatu.
Hi all. I was watching some videos about my religion, Islam and I would like to say something about hijab. Allow me to say out what I think about my hijab, please. Every muslimah (muslim women) is obligated to wear hijab, which mean a head including the hair to chest cover, it can be a headscarf, it can be a scarf or a hat or anything else that can cover all your hairs to down until your chest. It is an obligation for every girl that already mature to cover their aurat.
Nowadays there are so many videos in YouTube that show the so-called hijab tutorial. Yeah, I also had watched some of the videos and I admit that those videos are interesting. But in my opinion, hijab should not be that difficult. You do not actually have to spend your time to learn how to wear shawls or headscarf and then try to attract your opposite gender’s attention by making your head looks like one of the camel’s body part. This is what we call as ‘tabarruj’, wearing something excessive. This actually can lead you to sexual harassment and it is better for us to prevent than cure.
I feel safe, secure and calm when I put on my headscarf because I know that I fulfil my obligation as a Muslimah. I am wearing hijab and dressed modestly; cover every body parts except what can be displayed, the face and the hand. My country is a country that decides Islam as the official religion, but in the same time other non-Muslims people are allowed to practice their religion. Alhamdullilah, despite our race and religion we are still living peacefully and the main reason for this is we respect each other. I am never being differentiated from other girls in my country. Almost everyone treat me in a nice way. Besides, I can see that the men actually give more respect to the women that are wearing hijab and of course, modestly dressed. I would like to stress it here that there is no use for you if you are wearing hijab but still you are wearing tight jeans or coarse blouse.
I am grateful enough because since I wear hijab no one oppose or ban it like what had happened in France. You only see what I choose you to see, is that not freedom? Hey girls, do you know that Islam is one of the religions that grow fast in the world? It is growing bigger and bigger and then many people revert to Islam. What so weird about the word, revert, I used to use the word ‘convert’ not ‘revert’ for anyone that embraced this sacred religion. But then when I read those new sisters’ blog, they told that they were actually the revert ones, not the convert ones. They were Allah’s servant from the first moment Allah SWT created them. They actually came back to the right path and tried so hard to fulfil their promises to be good caliphs in the Earth.
What is wrong if you are not wearing hijab? Of course it is wrong. When we do not wear hijab we are actually opposed the rule of Islam, the syariah. Every time we pray we actually promised to God that we will remember Him, FOLLOW His rules, and never forget HIM. Then why we cannot fulfil such an easy rule? We just have to cover ourselves for our own good. There are thousands of benefits by wearing hijab such as the women will be rewarded by Allah and they are actually secure, because it prevents them from any bad intention of a few men that have disease in their heart.
Hijab actually has helped me a lot in my way of life. I am confident when my headscarf is put on and I do not have to display everything for free to men. I do not have to be the reason for them to add more sins. The calmness that I feel and that most of Muslim women feel are only felt by us. Hijab should not be a burden. It is a speciality for women to be like a pearl.
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahhi wa barakatu.
Hi all. I was watching some videos about my religion, Islam and I would like to say something about hijab. Allow me to say out what I think about my hijab, please. Every muslimah (muslim women) is obligated to wear hijab, which mean a head including the hair to chest cover, it can be a headscarf, it can be a scarf or a hat or anything else that can cover all your hairs to down until your chest. It is an obligation for every girl that already mature to cover their aurat.
Nowadays there are so many videos in YouTube that show the so-called hijab tutorial. Yeah, I also had watched some of the videos and I admit that those videos are interesting. But in my opinion, hijab should not be that difficult. You do not actually have to spend your time to learn how to wear shawls or headscarf and then try to attract your opposite gender’s attention by making your head looks like one of the camel’s body part. This is what we call as ‘tabarruj’, wearing something excessive. This actually can lead you to sexual harassment and it is better for us to prevent than cure.
I feel safe, secure and calm when I put on my headscarf because I know that I fulfil my obligation as a Muslimah. I am wearing hijab and dressed modestly; cover every body parts except what can be displayed, the face and the hand. My country is a country that decides Islam as the official religion, but in the same time other non-Muslims people are allowed to practice their religion. Alhamdullilah, despite our race and religion we are still living peacefully and the main reason for this is we respect each other. I am never being differentiated from other girls in my country. Almost everyone treat me in a nice way. Besides, I can see that the men actually give more respect to the women that are wearing hijab and of course, modestly dressed. I would like to stress it here that there is no use for you if you are wearing hijab but still you are wearing tight jeans or coarse blouse.
I am grateful enough because since I wear hijab no one oppose or ban it like what had happened in France. You only see what I choose you to see, is that not freedom? Hey girls, do you know that Islam is one of the religions that grow fast in the world? It is growing bigger and bigger and then many people revert to Islam. What so weird about the word, revert, I used to use the word ‘convert’ not ‘revert’ for anyone that embraced this sacred religion. But then when I read those new sisters’ blog, they told that they were actually the revert ones, not the convert ones. They were Allah’s servant from the first moment Allah SWT created them. They actually came back to the right path and tried so hard to fulfil their promises to be good caliphs in the Earth.
What is wrong if you are not wearing hijab? Of course it is wrong. When we do not wear hijab we are actually opposed the rule of Islam, the syariah. Every time we pray we actually promised to God that we will remember Him, FOLLOW His rules, and never forget HIM. Then why we cannot fulfil such an easy rule? We just have to cover ourselves for our own good. There are thousands of benefits by wearing hijab such as the women will be rewarded by Allah and they are actually secure, because it prevents them from any bad intention of a few men that have disease in their heart.
Hijab actually has helped me a lot in my way of life. I am confident when my headscarf is put on and I do not have to display everything for free to men. I do not have to be the reason for them to add more sins. The calmness that I feel and that most of Muslim women feel are only felt by us. Hijab should not be a burden. It is a speciality for women to be like a pearl.
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