Cuti Produktif

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

hai.hai.hai.hai. Long time no see.

Today is not raining and I'm sorry, for Malay readers, blog walkers or whatsoever...Today I want to write my blog post in English since I had wrote so much 'short-stories' in Malay Language. What is the point of writing in English? Gosh? Don't you know? Don't you care? I mean, don't you care about your English level? Don't you have heart to improve it? Enhance it? Oh so many questions. Actually that is my biggest point. I WANT TO IMPROVE my English. Besides, we can say it is a world's language. How can we communicate with other races (out of Malaysia) without learning this language?

I AM NOT SO SUPERB in English, besides, I am moderate. However I had tried many times writing in English. I began with a simple sentence in English then picture captions, diary, essay and right now, blogging. Sometimes, I felt down because there were some people who like to underestimate or  made fun of people who have effort to speak English. Somehow they were succeed in making me felt bad and angry, I thought those who did this were the person that not have the strength to take the advantage of learning English. Then they tried to ruin other person's dream to be succeed in life. Oh come on, if you do not have the strength to write or speak or listen in English alone, come and join me. Set up a blog and start writing, because everyday is so precious. Even in my religion, we have to struggle for knowledge, work hard to add our self value and never be lazy for beneficial knowledge. Anyway, I really felt amazed with a friend of mine's blog. His blog design is regular, the stories too but what makes me so impressed was his good writing, it seemed that he had learnt English since he was a kid. My eyes wide open and I thought I should write in English too. I also can say that my interest in this language is growing bigger when my beloved parents send me to English classes and when my younger sister got a TESL course.

Okay girls, we stop here. 

How about my daily life? When semester break arrived, it was like a routine for me, I am staying at home. So far so good, I had done many activities which I think beneficial for me:))

Clean up house everyday
sweep floor
washing dishes
washing clothes
cooking (dumplings and pancakes are included)
watching tv (favourite)
reading books
reading magazines
reading newspaper
help my parents (massage)
snapping and editing pictures
perform obligatory prayer 5 times a day
solat sunat hajat
solat sunat dhuha
solat sunat tasbih
solat sunat taubat (any sunat prayers included)

**The crossed words were the activities that I had done daily.

I want this semester break to be a productive one. Thanks to Anwar Hadi's video. # Cuti Produktif.
tee hee:) hai. OMG over-.-' Time is golden. Watch out with what you are doing, if you have something to do, do it right now or you will be regret.

Oh one more. I am not so good with children. Frankly speaking, I am not very good in holding baby. However, this holiday brings a miracle into my life. Muhammad Afnan, a baby that deeply touch my heart, I still can feel his petite hands, his cute face and his soft skin. He is my new born baby cousin. He is awesome and a good boy. In fact, I hardly can hear his crying. I hold him and take care of him for about one day. I love this baby, and silently praying so that one day my baby boy will be like him. Whoa, this is not a true me. Hey, do you ever heard of this, if you be good with children, treat them nice and love them your fortune will be better. 

I miss my second younger sister. Away in Terengganu! She said she had a group assignment to be solved and that was the reason she cannot return home past weekend. Our relation is getting better I think. Yeah, when she back home I will ask her to cook, because I am not a good chef. I tried to persuade mum to teach me more recipes, but she is busy too! She is the chief clerk, her life routine with account, fat ledgers and such makes her fatigue. I pity my dear mother, she had worked so hard to help my father. One day I will be like her, a lady with a career. You know what is so good about this semester break? I manage to spend more time with my parents, siblings and other family members. I see them everyday, hug them and make jokes with them. One thing about me, my family is everything for me then my studies go after them. I still remember the time when I attended an interview for a society in my university, the seniors asked me,

"Society and your family, what's more important for you?"
Seriously, at that time I was like to shout and say this to her,
"This is a silly question. How can you put this society first before your family?" an educated person with good manners I answered this,
"My family is the most important thing for me,"

Everything is changing and me too:) Everyone follows the flow of the life, walk ahead and never looks back. My parents, my siblings are busy. Everyone has a thing to do and me too. I do not want to be a couch potato. The past time has to be spend wisely. A person who fails to plan is the person who plans to fail. Okay, grab the chances that appear in front of you guys. Be creative, be smart. Wassalam=)


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