It's the time, back to normal.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamualaikum, it has been a quite long time since 27 viewers from negara yang dibina atas negara orang lain secara haram viewing my blog and my friends advised me to privatize my blog till I asked myself back what is the use of having a blog if I cannot spread away what I write. WHAT? nak suruh saya stop writing? I have told Sir Nik Alif that my hobby is writing (tak berkaitan, tetiba). I am not writing something that against the law, I just write the truth and most of them are about my typical Malay life as a student. Oh yeah, my life has become very hectic and tired for me all these days. I joined the GPMS society, though I never imagined I would be in here and becoming an 'ad hawk". What does it mean? GPMS is the best society in UiTM Michigan and it held a lot of events and of course, the members will be busy handling these events too. GPMS stands for Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung and it is not only a society in the university, but it also an NGO body. What makes me so excited about the society is Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali and Aminuddin Baki were the ones who create this society.

ESKEP, a promoting session for society and club. I went there at half past seven with my friends and I promoted GPMS by giving away pamphlets and flyers. My mouth keeps repeating about the society, the benefits of joining it etc. etc. Then  I have been meeting with other members at 12 p.m. and our stop at almost 2 a.m.
I don't have time, but I want it more. My roommate had cerita yang part 2 (during their time) sangat banyak cute. I am hoping for that kind of situation too, until the Christmas Holiday arrived and we were given 1 week of holidays, although all of the students were Malay and Bumiputera, which mean we don't celebrate Christmas Day. Eco and Bel, that's all my homework and I study for chapter one in Eco? For me the basics are very important before you walk further to other chapters. Things might be difficult, but it should not happen to me as I had studied about it earlier, I used to take pure science subject, including add maths and I  hope Allah SWT will make my study easier for me. I don't want to look down anymore. Walaupun ada sesetengah orang cakap, "Hina di mata manusia tak beerti hina di mata Tuhan,". Yes, it is true, but only me knows how it feels.

Google and friends. I'm looking for my friends during secondary school. I found them on Google, but somehow I have a doubt in myself. If you have the feelings to contact me, add me on Google+. I can feel that the bonds, wreck.


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