motivate yourself

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"...after all...those who success in life are those who are very determine about what they want to be...they work hard and they work smart...they enjoy doing what they do...they stand still and stand tall even many around them try to pull them down...they surrounded themselves with positive people and let those who talk bad about them leave behind...they move forward...because they don't want to waste their time entertaining those bad people...they pray a lot...they are being blessed by God and parents...they always remember where they came no matter how far they tall they big they achieve...they become a fighter for their live...they love knowledge too much...they read a lot...they never argue things because they know nobody ever wins an argument...they are very patient and they never give up...they always understand that every negative events happen in their live is the way how God want to train them to become someone great in the future...they always be nice to people because they know everything and everyone that shows up in their lives is there for a reason..."

YM Raja Shamri Raja Husin


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