
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


  The blue sky was turning to red. A few birds were flying high in the sky, made their way to the East.  A little girl was busy playing by herself under a Rambutan tree, covered her small hands with mud. She was busy making a mud pie that she planned to give it to Momo, her fat cat. During that time, she did not even think that the future is important, what she wants to be and her parents hope, all of these things seems like a rainbow, sometimes we can see it on the sky and sometimes not. Every time when her father told her a story about a person who did not do well in his life and then he becomes a burden to his parents, she can totally picture what she wants to be. 

This is my previous life, my childhood. Sometimes I have been thinking that it would be such a blessing if I can stop myself from growing up and run away from the upcoming responsibility in life but for sure it just my imagination. I know that some readers of my blog will get boring if I keep myself writing about obstacles, barriers and difficulties in life as if I don’t have a happy moment. Not even a single mirthful moment. Happy? Yes I do. I am happy with my life right now and Allah SWT will always add and fulfil what we ought to have, if we constantly be grateful and loyal to Him. The relationship of a servant with her God must be strengthening right? And by zikrullah *Subhanallah, Alhamdullilah, Allahuakhbar- Fatimah r.a’s Zikr* my heart will always be calm.

Behold. Look and see around you. Over these years of your age, what do you have in your hand? Self-reflection; I do not have much money, just a few Ringgit Malaysia in Bank Islam and I do not have a big house, just having an average family wooden house and I do not have to cry just because I do not have what other people have. However, I do have a loving parents, I have a happy family, tons of books with more knowledge to be discovered, I also have a CHANCE to improve my life, I have a healthy body and a healthy mind, I have five fat cats and they eat a lot, I have a (balance) brain to keep myself writing inspiring stories and I have a dream for a brighter future. The number of things that I have is more than what I do not have. Dreaming and struggling: these two things are parts of me that you never ever gonna take away from me~ 

As long as we depend on Allah, we can achieve what we aim, Insya-Allah.

My goal, when studying (Akaun Sem 2) is super simple, I just want to success because of Allah, myself and my parents. Behold, this is a teenage dream.


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