Tr!p to Pahang - Part I

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

My family and I had gone to Kuantan. We went there after second day of Hari Raya celebration at my aunt's house in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. I was so happy and excited as I had never been there before although my relatives are living there. This is all my dad's idea. We felt quite tired because of the Eid Mubarak's season  but when dad gave us an 'order' to pack our things and went to Kuantan, Pahang we just followed what he said.

We had made our way to Cherating to see the beach but unfortunately we have to cancel our plan to sleep at one of the resort as the price for a family's room was quite unbelievable, *** and pretty high. We went straight to Kuantan and after lost in our way there, we found a hotel, The Zenith Hotel and my dad was satisfied with the price for a room.

AT THE FRONT OF THE ZENITH HOTEL -Sultan Ahmad Shah International Convention Centre

At night, my siblings went to the Megamall while my mum, Aifaa and I were watching television in the hotel room. I was tired, besides, I am not too healthy to walk outside from the building at night. The room was very comfortable as it has two beds, plasma TV, air-conditioner and a window without porch that ease us to see what is happening outside just by looking through the window. I like to see the views from the room and I found out that Kuantan is a quiet place especially during the fourth Raya. Nobody came out and no cars at the road although the time is 10 a.m.

Flags were standing in pool. - non-politic*


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