Terima kasih suamiku, dirimu sudi menjadi pemilik hati perempuan ini, perempuan yang begitu banyak sekali kekurangannya. Terima kasih suamiku, penemanku kala suka dan duka. pembimbingku agar tidak salah tingkah, hilang arah dan berduka dihimpit lara. Terima kasih suamiku, anugerah Tuhan yang tidak pernah kuterfikir bakal kumiliki, akhirnya dia hadir mendakap hati yang dahulunya kosong dan sepi. Terima kasih suamiku, di saat aku kekurangan kau melengkapi. Terima kasih suamiku, kutemui ketenangan pada senyum wajahmu. Semoga kasihmu membawa daku ke Syurga. Di sana kita bercanda dan bercinta sampai bila-bila... tiada akhirnya. 19 Mac 2020
Nak bebel
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Salam Things get complicated when your ambition or your important ones, become a laughing stock of someone that you care or love. Saya sangat pantang benda begini. If you ever heard of a girl who rejects a guy for laughing of her father's job as a Bahasa Melayu teacher, well for your information, that is me. I am quite a particular person and I hate to be underestimated or overestimated by people. If you want to make it simpler, then do not judge me at all. Do not ever try to estimate me and my life. Do not even bother to do that. I am not an artist or public figure, that needs your over care 'evaluation'. I just hate people who have this kind of attitude. Bukan tak ada orang macam ni. Ada, and in my precious life, I have met about 5 persons. It is so annoying to be surrounded with this kind of people, the ones who will manage to jeopardize your plans for better life. Bewarelah you that have this kind of attitude merendah-rendahkan orang lain. Be...
Sang Pemilik Hati
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "Berjuta cerita terukir menjadi sebuah dilema mengertikah engkau perasaanku tak terhapuskan... malam menangis membasahi mata hatiku namun tetap aku cuba bertahan dalam buih-buih cinta yang kian rapuh kerna apa yang aku genggam tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan..." Radio di sudut bilik tidak henti memainkan lagu cinta. Cinta yang sememangnya perasaan fitrah manusia. Cuti Semester keempat. Wardah berat hati ingin pulang ke kampung halaman. Bukan tidak mahu berjumpa melepas rindu pada mak dan ayah, tetapi sesuatu hal yang sulit berkait hati dan perasaan merantai hati Wardah. Wardah penat. Dia penat disoal mengenai jodohnya yang tidak kunjung tiba. "Dah tiba masanya Wardah cari calon suami,"luah ayah cuti semester lepas. Muka Wardah merah. Wardah ni pemalu, meskipun bila bercakap dialah yang tampak yakin, meskipun bila ada keperluan untuk berurusan dengan insan yang berlainan jantina dengannya, dia boleh berurusan ...
Challenges - SEM 3
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم It's tough, but it's life House deposit, burned. Few hundreds ringgit. I did struggle to get back the deposit, and the rental house agent gave a chance for me with a not simple condition, I need to find a new tenant to replace my place in the house. I chose to stay in college after spending my time brainstorming, discussing, researching and calculating my expenses with my friends, senior and parents for the third semester (first time in Seremban). I discussed with my parents and they seemed a bit worried about me and disappointed with what had happened, but they left me to decide on my own as I'm already twenty-three woman. I lived in a college for a semester and I saved my money for about 1000 ringgit for the third semester, compared to my other friends who live in the rental houses. However, the fourth semester gives a tough experience too when my college application is not a success. My friends and I were searching houses for rent an...
Love, is not a game
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Once upon a time there was a man with a "B+" blood type. His Japanese friend said that, "You only gain what you want when you really focus on it. You cannot do multi-tasking, I'm afraid you might stress out," Actually what his Japanese tomodachi said was just an assumption, as Nihon jin evaluate person characters through blood types. I have only two mirae right now, to achieve my ambition to be a successful IR and to win the heart of the girl that I like. That sole person. That shizuka 'quiet' yet kirei 'beautiful' person. "Dude, seriously you need to choose one. Let's do it one by one. How about you be a success engineer first then after that you can confess your love to her. I bet she will not dare to refuse 'a rich man will be' like you," The man agreed with the not very bad idea. A few years later... "I am successful now, I want to confess my love for her," But it was t...
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم “One of the main reasons that cause corruption among the public servants is low salary,” explained one of my classmates in front of the class, while showing us the Prezi presentation. Her presentation was about The National Integrity Plan (NIP). A very interesting policy related with the way to overcome corruption. “Yes, even if you add their salary they will still feel not enough. Corruption will still happen. In the end, it is the matter of your imaan. It’s your own decision to accept the bribe or not. No matter how much salary that you are receiving, if you insist to be rich with the illegal money, there you go, corruption will still happen.” I just nodded my head a few times, agreed with my lecturer’s comment. It’s just the matter of your imaan...
Moving on
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I miss the time that had passed. The time when I really enjoy myself studying with my friends, living in a college for the first semester until the fifth semester without worrying about safety and bills, back home on weekend, travelling in small pekan that has everything- at least enough for a student like me though it does not have a cinema. I don't have so much interest to watch movie in a cinema pun, my lappy already provides all kind of tv shows and movies that I want. I miss the time when I only need to take a van to go to class and pay only 50 cent - this is worth much, rather than walking. During diploma time, life already feels tough but the degree's life is really a bit tougher than that. I'm not kidding. You might not be able to live in college for every semester if you are not an active student as chances for that will be given to your new brothers and sisters *yang baru masuk universiti. So, you need to rent a house ...