Oh My! Gorgeous...
Bismillah. Hi girls:) Actually I am surfing the internet like I' used to and BELIEVE IT OR NOT I'm new at tumblr website. Honestly the pictures are totally superb though I don't know how to put these pics in the blog and in order to make it move like kak ainin was doing to her previous posts. I am on my holiday and you know what is the best part? I got a part time job:) Puan Maizura, my dad's friend asked me to write a children's story for Young Doctor Convocation and I had write them a bit and I think it is quite complicated because I am writing a manuscript for my own novel and then do you notice this? I am a grown up author, not a children's storybook writer so due to my anxiousness I was digging up my book shelves and I read a book about healthy diet. The important thing is the main idea, right girls? As a result, I love this and I hope madam will like it too. My prayer for them, let they be the champion. O hai cloud 9, how are y...